Saturday, November 7, 2009

I Contradict To Contradict

If you are contradictory for the sake of being contradictory, then you need to stop contradicting. You need to produce something from your contradiction in order to make a necessary contradictory statement. Why?

It is quite easy to contradict a piece for the sake of showing the faults of that piece. But, when Harris quotes his professor, we see a new idea. The idea that it does not matter what the writer did wrong because you have chosen a piece that is easily contradicted and for no great purpose. This idea of contradicting for a purpose is exactly what Harris discusses in this chapter.

So, we know what Harris’s statement is, but why would he say this? The effectiveness of a contradiction should not be based on how well argued the ideas are, but rather of why they are being argued in the first place. Harris believes that in order to effectively contradict someone there must be some purpose that would help society. The kind of purpose can be argued, but the main idea is that you almost further a piece if you successfully contradict it. If you can bring up old topics, or put a new spin on them by your arguing, then I believe Harris would likely say that you effectively contradicted for some purpose.

In all of Harris’s statements and opinions, he pushes for the idea of “re-presenting.” Therefore, Harris, himself, uses contradictions in order to further his own writing. So, the next time you read a Hedges article, don’t immediately respond to it. Think about how what you write could further what you have read, not only your own piece.


  1. It's interesting that you also turned to Hedges as the focal point of our contradictions. Although he presents a certain idea we may not agree with, we must also present a viewpoint instead of simply saying he's wrong.

  2. I think that everyone responded much to quickly to Hedges as well. We would do much better to discard that initial feeling of anger and contemplate his ideas. After doing this we will be able to counter with a purpose in a more effective way.
